Make your first mead ever!

Welcome to, the site dedicated to helping you make great mead, even if you’ve never made it before.  We hope to give you all the information and resources you will need to make mead from the comfort of your home.  So whether you are a seasoned homebrewer, or don’t know a carboy from a bung, we look forward to helping you along your homebrewing journey.  When the process is over and you crack open a bottle, it’ll be worth it, because the best mead is the one you make yourself.


Whether you are a beginner wanting to make your first batch, a homebrewer of beer or wine wanting to ‘branch’ out, or a mead making veteran, we have just the recipe for you!  Our easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes cater every skill level, from beginner to advanced.

Orchard Row

The Process

Making mead is a blend of art and science.  Learning the details behind various techniques and processes used in the recipes can make you a great mead maker in no time.


First-timers can get by with limited equipment, but there are lots of tools of the trade that can make your life easier.  See the detailed explanations of the equipment you will need to brew the perfect mead, including the best places to buy them.


Mead is only as good as the ingredients.  If you don’t have the right honey, yeast, and sugars, your mead won’t have a chance.  Explore more detailed explanations of each type of ingredient that compliments the recipes.